Sound: Deepest sound
The moose signifies strength, pride, and life. strong and fearless and wild. Primal Feminine energies and the magic of life and death.
For anyone who aligns with moose – a unique and sacred energy is opened. The moose is an animal of contradictions. It is strange, yet majestic. It seems awkward, but there is a tremendous gracefulness to it. While it makes us smile it also causes us to catch our breath.
It is a predominantly solitary animal, except during the mating season, and it has a unique ability to make use of its territory. It has a great ability to camouflage itself in spite of its great size and power, those who align with the moose can develop this ability also. Part of this involves the ancient magic of invisibility, but it also involves an aspect of shape shifting.
Despite the size of the moose, it does have a unique ability to move silently and speedily. Its appearance of ungainliness is misleading and deceptive. It is this deception which enable it to survive so well. One reason for their ability to do this is that they have excellent depth perception. They can accurately judge the negotiability of an area. The moose has a speed and grace at negotiating territory that others could not. It can move through great depths of snow and through marshes that would trip up many others. This same ability can be strengthened, awakened, and even taught to those who align with the medicine power of the moose.
It is associate with the feminine energies, the maternal forces of the world, and those who align with the moose will fin these forces awakened. Part of this revolves around the association with water, the primal symbol of the feminine forces of the universe, it is the symbol of creativity and dynamic forms of intuition and illumination. The association with the water and the sea is important to understand for anyone who aligns with moose power. The sea is the point from which all life comes and to which all life will return. It is the great womb of the universe, the moose is often seen in marshy areas or standing in lakes.
It can also plunge itself to the bottom of lakes to feed – teaching us to go back into the depths and draw new life and nourishment from it. The moose can teach us how to move from the outer world to the inner, and how to cross from life to death and back to stronger life. It teaches us how to use the thin thread that separates life and death to one’s advantage. It is not unusual to find individuals with strong moose medicine working in soul retrieval.
Moose is associated with the primal mother/feminine energies of the universe – she is very protective of her young, very few creatures will challenge a moose and her calf. There is a great maternal energy that has a primal strength to it.
Moose have a highly developed sense of smell and a highly developed sense of hearing. The sense of smell has its spiritual or metaphysical counterparts in emotional idealism and spiritual discernment. The hearing lends to the human, the abilities of clairaudience and spiritual comprehension. – pay attention to your inner voice and that sense of smell – trust your feelings, for they will define themselves shortly.
Moose calves are born with their eyes open – your inner eyes already open – learning to trust what you say and what you already know – you are already switched on. You came here with your inner lights on already.
If the calf lives through its first month, it will more than like survive. We relate to this by having had a traumatic childhood, learning many life lessons during childhood. The survival through this reflects that innate ability to draw from the creative force of the feminine waters of life to strengthen and sustain them.
The head and the feet are the two most powerful parts of their body – for us – reflexology and head, neck, and upper back massages are important to release stress.
Moose antlers are the largest of all antlered animals, they are ancient symbols of antenna - of crowning’s that activate upper chakras of the head. These are shed each year – a reminder to shed the past.
The moose is a symbol of the sexual energies as well, this sexual energy is a physical reflection of the primal creative energies. That energy has its cycle within the body and within the rhythm of the year.
When moose comes into your life, the primal contact with the great feminine force and void of life is being awakened. It is an invitation to learn to explore new depths of awareness and sensitivity within yourself and within your environs.
Sound: Deepest sound
The moose signifies strength, pride, and life. strong and fearless and wild. Primal Feminine energies and the magic of life and death.
For anyone who aligns with moose – a unique and sacred energy is opened. The moose is an animal of contradictions. It is strange, yet majestic. It seems awkward, but there is a tremendous gracefulness to it. While it makes us smile it also causes us to catch our breath.
It is a predominantly solitary animal, except during the mating season, and it has a unique ability to make use of its territory. It has a great ability to camouflage itself in spite of its great size and power, those who align with the moose can develop this ability also. Part of this involves the ancient magic of invisibility, but it also involves an aspect of shape shifting.
Despite the size of the moose, it does have a unique ability to move silently and speedily. Its appearance of ungainliness is misleading and deceptive. It is this deception which enable it to survive so well. One reason for their ability to do this is that they have excellent depth perception. They can accurately judge the negotiability of an area. The moose has a speed and grace at negotiating territory that others could not. It can move through great depths of snow and through marshes that would trip up many others. This same ability can be strengthened, awakened, and even taught to those who align with the medicine power of the moose.
It is associate with the feminine energies, the maternal forces of the world, and those who align with the moose will fin these forces awakened. Part of this revolves around the association with water, the primal symbol of the feminine forces of the universe, it is the symbol of creativity and dynamic forms of intuition and illumination. The association with the water and the sea is important to understand for anyone who aligns with moose power. The sea is the point from which all life comes and to which all life will return. It is the great womb of the universe, the moose is often seen in marshy areas or standing in lakes.
It can also plunge itself to the bottom of lakes to feed – teaching us to go back into the depths and draw new life and nourishment from it. The moose can teach us how to move from the outer world to the inner, and how to cross from life to death and back to stronger life. It teaches us how to use the thin thread that separates life and death to one’s advantage. It is not unusual to find individuals with strong moose medicine working in soul retrieval.
Moose is associated with the primal mother/feminine energies of the universe – she is very protective of her young, very few creatures will challenge a moose and her calf. There is a great maternal energy that has a primal strength to it.
Moose have a highly developed sense of smell and a highly developed sense of hearing. The sense of smell has its spiritual or metaphysical counterparts in emotional idealism and spiritual discernment. The hearing lends to the human, the abilities of clairaudience and spiritual comprehension. – pay attention to your inner voice and that sense of smell – trust your feelings, for they will define themselves shortly.
Moose calves are born with their eyes open – your inner eyes already open – learning to trust what you say and what you already know – you are already switched on. You came here with your inner lights on already.
If the calf lives through its first month, it will more than like survive. We relate to this by having had a traumatic childhood, learning many life lessons during childhood. The survival through this reflects that innate ability to draw from the creative force of the feminine waters of life to strengthen and sustain them.
The head and the feet are the two most powerful parts of their body – for us – reflexology and head, neck, and upper back massages are important to release stress.
Moose antlers are the largest of all antlered animals, they are ancient symbols of antenna - of crowning’s that activate upper chakras of the head. These are shed each year – a reminder to shed the past.
The moose is a symbol of the sexual energies as well, this sexual energy is a physical reflection of the primal creative energies. That energy has its cycle within the body and within the rhythm of the year.
When moose comes into your life, the primal contact with the great feminine force and void of life is being awakened. It is an invitation to learn to explore new depths of awareness and sensitivity within yourself and within your environs.